четвъртък, 11 май 2017 г.

49 pieces of the world’s most powerful wood hold the Kaaba

The roof of the Kaaba is held by 49 piece of teak wood brought from Burma and processed in Jeddah
They were evenly distributed on the walls of the Kaaba.
Teak tree wood is known for its strength.
They grow in tropical forests in Southeast Asia and can reach a height of 45 meters. They are usually used in the shipbuilding and high-quality industries.
The Kaaba has witnessed many phases of construction throughout history, as mentioned in the Holy Quran, from Adam, Noah, Ibrahim, Quraysh and many other.
The messenger of Allah (Peace be upon him) has participated in the building of the Kaaba.
The Holy Kaaba has been through a lot as it has been on fire and flooded with water many times, so it had to be rebuilt throughout different eras.
Muhyiddin Hashemi, former director of Kaaba maintenance office said that the current building design was set by Quraysh, where they left just one door open and removed the second door.
He added that the Kaaba was re-built by Abdullah ibn al-Zubayr in 64 Hijri after being destroyed and burned by the famous siege of Makkah.
 However, Abdul Malik bin Marwan rebuilt it back again in 73 Hijri as Quraych had designed it.
During the Saudi reign, many amendments and restorations were made to the Kaaba; in 1377 for example they replaced the roof top of the Kaaba so that it had 2 tops:
one external and another internal made of wood.

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