неделя, 20 септември 2020 г.

калиграфът на джамията в медина

Това е Ustadh Shafiq Zaman от Пакистан.

Мечтата му беше да може да нарисува дори и едно платно по стените на Масджид Ал-Набауи в Мадина.

 През 1990 г. той участва в състезание в Хиджаз

за възстановяване на 133-годишна калиграфия върху старата конструкция на джамията

 и създаване на нови проекти за нови структури, добавени към сградата.

Той спечели състезанието и работи в Masjid Al-Nabawi през последните 30 години.

  Той е благословеният човек, чиято калиграфия

е използвана върху благословената [Rawda]

 на Пророка Мохамед.

петък, 18 септември 2020 г.


Мехраб-ал-Тахаджуд Историческа снимка на Мехраб ал Тахаджуд в Масджид-ал Набави, Мадина. Тази издигната платформа, зад Свещената зала, е мястото, където Пророкът от време на време извършвал молитвата Тахаджуд. Мехрабът вече е покрит с библиотека
Mehrab-e-Tahajjud Historic photo of the Mehrab-e-Tahajjud in Masjid-e-Nabwi, Madinah. ‎This raised platform, behind the Sacred Chamber is the place where the Prophet (ﷺ) used to spread his prayer mat and perform the Tahajjud salah from time to time. ‎The mehrab is now covered by a bookcase.

вторник, 15 септември 2020 г.

Пророкът засажда триста палми в точно тази градина

The Prophet (saw) plant three hundred palm trees in this exact garden and they miraculously grew to full size in the period of a year which allowed Sayyiduna Salman to be freed by his owner.
They were visited for 1300 years until

Пророкът засажда триста палми в точно тази градина и те по чудо нарастват в пълен размер в периода от една година,
 което позволява на Sayyiduna Salman да бъде освободен от собственика му.
Те бяха посещавани в продължение на 1300 години.

Sacred Chamber door

Sacred Chamber door
Historic photo showing the doorway to the Sacred Chamber in Masjid-e-Nabwi, Madinah.
‎Inside the chamber is where the Prophet (ﷺ) is buried, along with Abu Bakr and Umar
‎Today the doorway is largely covered by a bookcase.

Сахаби, на име Arqam bin Abil Arqam

Тази област, в подножието на планината Сафа е приблизителната зона, където се намира Къщата на Аркам .
Именно тук в първоначалния период на исляма, пророкът тайно проповядвал исляма.
Къщата принадлежи на Сахаби, на име Arqam bin Abil Arqam .
Той имаше няколко къщи той дарява тази като таен център за разпространение на исляма .
Намира се в северната част на планината Сафа,...

с една врата, скрита отпогледите на съседите му.
Аркам е само на 12-16 години, когато приема исляма,
и пази това в тайна.
Къщата е наследство от баща му.
Той е от Bani Makhzum,племе водено от Abu Jahal

Tools and Equipment used during the Gushl of the Ka'bah

сряда, 9 септември 2020 г.

Jabal al-Rumah

Jabal al-Rumah (Arabic: جبل الرماة), also known as Jabal Ainain (Arabic: جبل عينين), is a small mountain located near Jabal Uhud where Muslim archers were positioned during the Battle of Uhud.

Jabal An’am

Jabal An’am (Arabic: جبل أنعم) is a mountain located to the right of Wadi al-Aqeeq.
The castle on top of the mountain was built by the Ottoman Sultan, Abdulmejid I during the siege of Madinah.

Jabal Ayr

Jabal Ayr (Arabic: مجبل أنعم) is a mountain located in the south of Madinah, about eight kilometres away from Masjid al-Nabawi.
 It measures approximately 955 metres in height, making it the second largest mountain in Madinah.

Jabal Dhubab

Jabal Dhubab (Arabic: جبل ذباب) also known as Jabal al-Rayah (Arabic: جبل الراية) is a small mountain located in the north of Madinah, which measures no more than 20 metres in height.

Bir al-Ihn

Bir al-Ihn (Arabic: بئر العهن‬‎) also known as Bir al-Yasra (Arabic:
 بئر اليسرة) was a well that the Prophet ﷺ would drink from.


Saqifah Bani Sa’idah

Saqifah Bani Sa’idah (Arabic: سقيفة بني ساعدة) was a roofed structure in which Abu Bakr رضي الله عنه was elected the first Caliph of the Muslims after the demise of the Prophet ﷺ.

Masjid al-Fash

Masjid al-Fash (Arabic: مسجد الفسح) is a mosque at the base of Mount Uhud where the Prophet ﷺ is reported to have prayed on the day of the Battle of Uhud.

Masjid al-Fadhikh

Masjid al-Fadhikh (Arabic: مسجد الفضيخ) also known as
Masjid al-Shams (مسجد الشمس) was a mosque where the Prophet ﷺ and his companions prayed during the siege of Banu Nadir.

Masjid al-Rayah

Masjid al-Rayah (Arabic: مسجد الراية), also known as Masjid Dhubab (Arabic: مسجد ذباب) is a small mosque which marks the site on which the Prophet ﷺ pitched his tent prior to the Battle of the Trench.

Masjid Bilal ibn Rabah

Masjid Bilal ibn Rabah (Arabic: مسجد بلال بن رباح) is a mosque located about 500 metres south of Masjid al-Nabawi.

Masjid Bani Ghifar (Arabic: مسجد بني غفار) is a mosque situated on the south east side of Jabal Sela, in which the Holy Prophet ﷺ had prayed.

Masjid Ainain

Masjid Ainain (Arabic: مسجد عينين) is a small mosque located on the southeastern corner of Jabal al-Rumah.
Only its brick walls remain today.

Masjid al-Sajdah

Masjid al-Sajdah (Arabic: مسجد السجدة) also known as Masjid Abu Dhar al-Ghifari (Arabic: مسجد ابي ذر الغفاري) is a mosque located about 900 metres north of Masjid al-Nabawi.

Masjid al-Misbah

Masjid al-Misbah (Arabic: مسجد المصبح) also known as Masjid Bani Aneef (Arabic: مسجد بني أنيف) is a mosque located southwest of Masjid Quba.

Masjid Dhul Hulayfah

Masjid Dhul Hulayfah (Arabic: مسجد ذي الحليفة) also known as Masjid al-Shajarah (Arabic: مسجد الشجرة) is a mosque which serves as the Miqat for pilgrims travelling from Madinah to Makkah, with the intention of performing Hajj or Umrah.

Wadi al-Aqeeq

Wadi al-Aqeeq (Arabic: وادي العقيق‬‎) is one of the most well-known valleys in Madinah and was described by the Prophet ﷺ as blessed.


Jabal Mukaimin

Jabal Mukaimin (Arabic: جبل مكيمن) is a small reddish mountain located to the southwest of Madinah.

Jibal al-Jamawat

Jibal al-Jamawat (Arabic: جبال الجماوات) is a group of three small mountains clustered to the west of Madinah, extending over part of Wadi al-Aqeeq.

Jabal Sulaya

Jabal Sulaya (Arabic: جبل سليع) is a small mountain located about 500 metres from Masjid al-Nabawi.

Quba Castle

Quba Castle (Arabic: قلعة قباء) is an old Ottoman garrison that was built by military leader Fakhri Pasha to provide fortification against invading Hashemite forces.

Palace of Urwah ibn al-Zubayr

The Palace of Urwah ibn al-Zubayr (Arabic: قصر عروة بن الزبير) is located on the banks of Wadi al-Aqeeq in the west of Madinah. It was built towards the end of the first century AH.